CrowdLaw is used by advocates and clients to get the funds they need through easy-to-launch crowdfunding campaigns.
The Expert Institute is a comprehensive platform for finding and engaging expert witnesses across all areas of practice. The legal industry has changed - and technology has provided the catalyst for this evolution. Lawyers are adopting new ways of thinking and redefining the most fundamental aspects of how they practice law. The Expert Institute was founded in recognition of this paradigm shift, with the objective of developing a smarter way for attorneys to identify, verify, and retain the best expert witnesses.
Online dispute resolution platform.
Making Great Apps Autriv Software Development is dedicated to making great apps such as SignMyPad, SignMyPad Cloud, NYCTruckFood and Email Phoenix.
1LAW® started from a desire to change how people feel working with an attorney. We wanted it to be easy to find highly-skilled, personal, and passionate lawyersso we became them. We knew we could be different. We hope youll see it in everything we do.