
Ringtail eDiscovery software delivers a unique visual approach to eDiscovery—from early case assessments and investigations to document review and trial preparation—that enable organizations to master the details of any legal matter. Ringtail visual analytics assist analysts in early case assessments, investigations and enforcement actions where they are not sure what they are looking for at the outset With more than 50,000 users around the globe, Ringtail is the eDiscovery software the world’s law firms, corporations, and government agencies turn to for trusted performance and results. Key features include: - Document Mapping (patented content clustering and interactive visualisation) - Cubes (interactive pivot tables) - Social network mapping - Email threading - Financial transaction network analysis - Phone log network analysis - Predictive coding and continuous active learning Ringtail’s review platform has been rated #1 by Gartner, especially in complex eDiscovery and cross-border cases

Analytics & Insights
Washington DC (USA)

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