Impera provides legal support for people who want to represent themselves. We are your guides in the world of law. Our objective is to help you find solutions without incurring legal bills that are disproportionate to the problem.
Counsel on Call Services Inc is a United States-based legal services company. The Company provides managed services to corporate in-house legal departments and law firms. The company's attorneys work with in-house legal departments and law firms in managed services, or teams of attorneys on voluminous work that needs process and expert management; one attorney at a time for specific assignments or durations, and in a consultative role, collaborating with clients to determine how to handle and execute legal work. It has offices in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallfas, Memphis, Minneapolis and Nashville.
HotDocs transforms frequently used documents and forms into intelligent templates that enable superfast production of custom documentation.
Coherent Knowledge was created to deliver the benefits of recent breakthrough research in logical, linguistic, and semantic technologies to markets that need to incorporate larger amounts of increasingly dynamic knowledge in systems that reliably and robustly answer questions, support decisions, and comply with governing doctrine.
The legal profession has been deprived of integrated tools benefiting other client-facing high value knowledge professionals. The time has come to change it. VistaDraft is building an intuitive, practical product with a superior user interface. Our product transforms the way lawyers and business people analyse precedents and contracts, draft new agreements and negotiate deals. We make contractual analysis and drafting easy, precise and a pleasure.
ContratosApp offers a unique way for freelancers to create simple legal agreements and have an organized legal agenda.