Citasca, LLC

Citasca is a marketplace where lawyers can share, sell, find and buy content about the law. Citasca is a sharing economy tool for lawyers to unlock the scalable value of their work product. Citasca's goal is to change how the legal profession shares content about the law for the better. If it's an electronic file and useful in practice, it can be posted to Citasca -- think form contracts and briefs, checklists, CLE materials, white papers, content marketing, templates, boilerplate, important cited points of law, videos, podcasts and other tools of the trade. Lawyers can post content on Citasca as free (shared) content or priced (for sale) content. The name of the company is a portmanteau of “Cite” and “Itasca”.


HeadquartersMinneapolis, MN
Tagsfind and buy content about the law, sell, share

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