We provide an AI, specifically NLP that sits within your existing systems and parses the millions of pages of regulation to provide you with the answer to your questions when you need the information the most.
Legal Research for Commonwealth Lawyers in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and South Africa.
Amicus is a small charity that helps provide representation for those facing the death penalty in the United States. We believe the death penalty is disproportionately imposed on the most vulnerable in society, violating their right to due process and equal justice before the law. Our aims are to provide better access to justice and to raise awareness of potential abuses of defendants' rights.
Legal Education
A nascent "worker empowerment platform." In the free worker app, hourly workers can rate their employers, document their hours, and learn about their rights.
GPSOX lets the 560,500 solo and small firm attorneys seek and advice from other attorneys in a safe, attorney-only environment.