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Manupatra Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

We pioneered online legal research in India with the debut launch of our legal research platform built over the most exhaustive legal and business information database.As a digital pioneer, Manupatra was the first to offer electronic accessibility of India’s and International legislative, regulatory and procedural materials through an exhaustive database. With the use of analytics, enterprise search, information retrieval technology such as ML, AI, NLP, we help deliver powerful, new decision-making tools to our users across the globe.Manupatra is the intuitive platform which helps users navigate the law faster and improve their decision-making Offers Search, Visualisation Tools and Analytics: •Field Search (Subject, Date, Party Name, Judge Name etc) •Natural Language Processing (NLP), •Citation Search, Judgment Search, Act Search, •Hyperlinking, •Editorial Enhancements, Head Notes, Citing Reference, Important Para, Compare Legislations, Tracks Amendments in legislation, Good Law – Bad Law (Judgments marked over ruled),

Knowledge & Research
Noida, Uttar Pradesh, Inida

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