Reads and extracts all personal documents
Trusted by Fortune 1000 companies and their advisors, EasyDataMaps is award-winning web-based data mapping software and the easiest way for Information Professionals to rapidly create an Evergreen Organizational Data Map of their Information Assets.
ApexCLE, online continuing legal education Convenient CLE For Busy Lawyers Online continuing legal education (CLE) available on all mobile devices. Search for your state-approved courses in the ApexCLE course library.
Advocatalog is a marketplace for lawyers which will make the legal sector more transparent and accessible to the consumer. It will offer access to lawyers from 10 Euros.
Contract Live brings contract management out of the Stone Age by helping companies manage all contracts (from HR and procurement to sales) throughout all lifecycle stages (online negotiations, electronic signatures, implementation and execution) on an entirely intuitive, cloud-based platform.
Briefed empowers the worldÛªs lawyers to elevate their practice to the next level : Legal Directory , Master Classes , Legal Industry Intelligence & Mission Control