iNation is the world's first secure, distributed, cryptographically verifiable store of legal documents. The customer is in the real world; from the education, probate / wills, to the title industry (and more) with our easy to use premium SaaS platform.
Global legal research platform. Content coverage across 132+ countries, editorial content from 1,000+ sources and cutting edge smart-search technology.
[TransactionHub] offers products+services to exploit Blockchain use cases for fully decentralize autonomous transactions w/ on-demand assurance & protection. is a branded document automation platform for law firms to streamline the incorporation process, compete against online legal solutions, and increase their profit margins in the $5 billion incorporation space.
yurJURY is the premier provider of virtual mock jury panels, mock trials and focus groups - helpingyurJury clients make informed litigation decisions.
Law Explorers Incorporated supports multilingual, multicultural legal literacy.