Terminis keeps your online contents and legal texts permanently tracked and generates bullet-proof evidences on - what your users accept when they buy or use your website, - what contents you publish on internet, - your announcements or claims on your website, - what people say about you in other websites
Zero is an email client engineered from the ground up for the specialized, exactly needs of attorneys.
Contract analytics
Writora makes writing together better. Create a document and pick your team. See all changes made by anyone in one easy, intuitive view.
Law Ratchet scours the Internet for the best legal news and intelligence, delivered to your mobile device. Stay on top of legal stories and developments with Law Ratchet.
Paladin helps legal teams run more efficient pro bono programs while increasing access to justice. Our platform helps teams seamlessly staff, manage, and track their pro bono engagement, as well as visualize impact and ROI.