Monax is the company behind Burrow, an open platform for developers and devops to build, ship and run blockchain-based applications for business ecosystems. Businesses use blockchain, smart contract and distributed storage technologies to share data, eliminate redundancy and communicate more efficiently with other participants in their business ecosystems. We call applications that use these technologies ecosystem applications. Monax sells legally compliant smart contract based SDKs to accelerate time to market with sophisticated ecosystem applications.
Deep Legal monitors, compares, and predicts portfolios of lawsuits developed for the corporate management of companies with court records.
Bisnode is an European Data & Analytics company that enables people to make smart decisions.
LinkLei is an exclusive social network for lawyers that seeks to develop, strengthen, and promote the image of young professionals.
Parley Pro is a modern contract lifecycle management platform that helps companies create, negotiate and manage smarter contracts faster.
Oliveira Advocacia e Consultoria Jurídica provides legal advice.