Makes a great legal tech comapny
Transforming the Way Large Organizations Manage Legal Work. Axiom is the global leading alternative legal services provider. With over 2,000+ employees across three continents, we provide talent and technology to help legal departments adapt to a demanding new era.
Maker of the Trial Boom courtroom simulator for attorneys & students.
Our software scans legal documents for potential drafting errors. Think of it like a spell checker or grammar checker on steroids. Drafting errors have consequences—ranging from making the attorney look sloppy to creating loopholes that open up litigation. Many drafting oversights, such as semantic and syntactic ambiguities, are not easy for lawyers to catch but relatively straightforward with the help of technology.
Contract Cloud saves businesses and individuals millions of dollars a year in regulation and litigation costs.
yurJURY is the premier provider of virtual mock jury panels, mock trials and focus groups - helpingyurJury clients make informed litigation decisions.