Privacy law compliance and legal information
Zersent provides an end-to-end solution allowing organizations to automate a number of manual ESG processes from measuring/changing organizational culture, diversity and inclusion, benchmarking stakeholder sentiment, creating actionable insights from your data, and creating ESG reporting documents.
Privacy Control Center is a userfriendly platform to manage your GDPR Compliancy
Tower is an AI assistant for in-house legal teams; Tower intakes, triages, and responds to incoming legal requests so in-house counsels can leave work at 5PM everyday. Tower also helps automate many repetitive and mundane tasks such as managing matters and documents. We are in close beta with limited seats left; please reach out to if you're an in-house counsel and are interested in partnering!
Lawcunae Infomation Solutions is an end to end legal semantic search and case management portal.
Captain Contrat is a legal and administrative pillar that accompanies VSEs and SMEs in all stages of the development.