1683 legal technology companies
Legal Automation is a software company that focuses on providing products intended for Underwriti...
Appunte is the new way to study law.
ReviewSolicitors is an online review platform that allows users to post feedback on the services ...
Seal Software develops contract discovery and contract management software solutions.
LawMoose is a legal reference library and search engine that offers lawyers, law firms, courts, a...
Your Rights to Claim Flight Delay Compensation - EU 261 : If your flight is delayed or cancelled...
Legality Simplified = Legal presented simply with IT. We aim to bring a seamless integration of l...
Agence Juridique specializes in legaltech and aims to simplify the administrative procedures acco...
LegalVision permet aux dirigeants de TPE/PME d'effectuer leur formalités juridiques très facileme...
TOOCOURT builds products and services to help automate legal workflows, innovate new processes, a...
Legal Times Holdings Co is Proceeding with the Times Group holding company and group strategy
It is an online software solution that steps people through the process of completing US Green Ca...