smartwork solutions GmbH
SMASHDOCs is a web-based word processor that makes it extremely easy and fast to create, revise and negotiate legal documents. Smart version control Instead of creating countless versions of a document, SMASHDOCs saves all proposed changes, decisions and comments paragraph-by-paragraph in just one single document. Version chaos is now a thing of the past – finally. Smart redlining SMASHDOCs knows which changes and comments are new to a user and automatically highlights them for him - even when multiple users are editing a document simultaneously. Cumbersome version comparisons are no longer necessary. Smart Word integration Send out a Word document if some people don’t work with SMASHDOCs. If you get a new Word version from them, simply re-import it into your SMASHDOCs document and save the changes. Smart reporting Do a contract review within seconds by comparing any number of documents and creating a synopsis report showing changes to every paragraph.