472 legal technology companies
MisAbogados.com is the place to start whenever someone needs a lawyer
Total Translations, (TTI), the Premier Translation Company in Florida.
JustEase is a crowdfunding platform designed specifically for legal case.
Estate App LLC develops Apps that enable law firms to solve legal client issues while boosting th...
LawyerQuote is a free service that helps you compare fixed-fee quote from lawyers across Australi...
BernieSez is a free-to-use mobile-responsive website launched in November 2013.
LawZam is a nationwide network of attorneys providing online legal consultations
Free Help To Find and Connect With Attorneys
Connecting small businesses and entrepreneurs to high quality services and lawyers
OpenLaw, a ConsenSys spoke, is a legal operating system for blockchain technology.
CaseMetrix owns and operates a verdict and settlement database.
Suitup Israel is a revolutionary app for finding your dream job in the law profession.