
Nalytics from Nalanda Technology is a unique search and discovery platform. Nalytics enables any individual, business user or organisation to easily and quickly search and analyse all of their unstructured data, such as emails, spreadsheets, word documents or PDF files. Organisations across the legal sector are facing an increasing number of challenges as a result of the rapid growth of unstructured data and companies need to be sure that they are using the right tools to not only manage this data, but ensure they are doing so in a time-efficient and cost-effective manner. As an independent software vendor in the electronic search and discovery space, Nalytics helps law firms explore their data in order to quickly and easily locate the required information at the right time. Using context retrieval, we enable law professionals to uncover new information and gain deeper insights into their cases in order to work faster and smarter, enabling better decision making for clients. With practical applications in contract analysis, due diligence, litigation and more, Nalytics provides innovative solutions to ensure that law firms are managing their business more effectively than ever before. Delivered as Software as a Service (SaaS), Nalytics searches the inherent structure of documents and data content to enable fast, precise and accurate location of information. Clear results are returned within their context, allowing immediate review of relevance. With the growth of AI and Machine Learning (ML) across the legal sector, Nalytics not only saves time and money, but also supports lawyers in doing their job better.


HeadquartersGlasgow, England
Tagsmachine learning, ai, e-discovery, legal technology, legal it


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