
Explore a curated list of 2693 companies changing the way legal is done

About tech.law.stanford.edu

tech.law.stanford.edu is a comprehensive database of legal technology companies, managed by CodeX, the Stanford Center for Legal Informatics. It serves the legal tech community with data from CodeX, Legal.io, Crunchbase, AngelList, LinkedIn, Wikipedia, and user contributions.

Established in 2015, tech.law.stanford.edu was initiated by CodeX Fellow Pieter Gunst. It evolved from Code = Law, a Stanford Law student group focused on law and technology.


Help us maintain the most comprehensive database of legal technology companies:


Pieter Gunst

CodeX Fellow / Co-Founder of Legal.io

Kevin Xu

Code = Law Participant

Sam Schroeder

Code = Law Participant

Elizabeth Lowell

Code = Law Participant

Mark Evans

CodeX Fellow

David Curle

Thomson Reuters

Bob Ambrogi

Lawyer, media and technology professional

Patrick Haede

Intern at CodeX

Taylor Famighetti

Intern at CodeX

Paul Blizzard

Visiting Student Researcher at CodeX


The companies and services listed in this database are provided for informational purposes only and are not endorsed by CodeX, Stanford Law School, or Stanford University.