CodeX TechIndex

Tracking 1683 legal technology solutions and their impact on legal services delivery

339 companies

Analytics & Insights

Quantitative and qualitative analysis tools supporting legal decision-making through predictive models, data visualization, and benchmarking

141 companies

Compliance & Risk

Solutions for regulatory compliance, data privacy, cybersecurity, anti-corruption, and ESG risk management

415 companies

Knowledge & Research

Access to legal databases, institutional knowledge management, and practical guidance resources

659 companies

Marketplace and ALSPs

Resources for accessing alternative legal service providers, legal talent platforms, and marketplaces for flexible resourcing and project-based legal solutions.

163 companies

Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Technologies for litigation management, eDiscovery, and alternative dispute resolution

44 companies

Contract Management

Platforms for drafting, reviewing, negotiating, and managing contracts throughout their complete lifecycle

388 companies

Practice Management

Platforms focused on the operational aspects of running a legal practice, including client management, calendaring, billing, and case tracking.

461 companies

Document Management and Automation

Systems for creating, organizing, storing, and automating legal documents

29 companies

IP Management

Tools for managing intellectual property portfolios, including patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

About the Codex TechIndex

The Codex TechIndex is a research initiative that tracks and analyzes the evolving landscape of legal technology. It aims to provide insight into technological innovations transforming legal practice, regulatory compliance, and access to justice.

This resource serves researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers in understanding technology adoption trends, market dynamics, and the impact of innovation on legal service delivery.