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Companies in the Analytics category

Princeton Gavel, Inc.

Princeton Gavel uses artificial intelligence (AI) to discover the true value of legal cases, enabling attorneys to make optimal settlement decisions. In particular, Princeton Gavel’s software leverages natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning to process new cases, identify key legal issues, and produce a data-backed valuation of what a case is worth. The result is better decision making (maximizing settlements), improved intake processes (knowing which cases to take on) and increased intake efficiency (requiring less attorney time). It just doesn’t make sense to practice without it.


We are an independent research firm in Paris that works in the intersection of computational logic, category theory, and persistent topology applied to decision practices. Our approach comprises an efficient model to generate belief structure about differing cases that have 'uncertain' information. The direction accompanies a method for realizing a complex means to address various constraints that arise in discourse analysis related to law. This implies a strong connection with natural language processing and the determining of a graphical realization, in lieu of an algorithmic method for identifying semantic change.

Octimine Technologies

Octimine, founded by former LMU Munich and Max Planck Institute researchers, is leading in the field of applying Natural Language Processing methods to patent data. We have deep knowledge about semantic and statistical algorithms and use them to learn machines understanding patent data. Combined with a very easy to use web interface, Octimine's user can do patent searches & analytics (including citation analysis, patent value & risk metrics) in a very smart way without any training needed. The flexible Freemium pricing models enable our user to use a basic version of the software for free before upgrading to more advanced paid versions.

Legal Insights

Legal Insights is a Brazilian Startup, that uses A.I. and Big Data Analytics to help large companies reduce their cost of litigation. Our product can track the most relevant causes of litigations. And acting in the cause, our costumers can reduce the volume of Lawsuits, and costs related to legal issues management. Based on Data and A.I., we indicate when it is cheaper to propose a settlement rather than litigate and what is the optimal value for the specific Lawsuit. When there are larger returns in litigating, we help our customers choose the best Law Firms for each specific litigation. This is based on the supplier`s speciality, fees, win rate and judge profile.

RiverGlass, Inc.

RiverGlass, Inc. provides information collection and analysis solutions. The Company delivers information collection, data management and analysis software solutions to a list of fortune 1000 companies, to government agencies and commands in defense, intelligence and law enforcement as well as ediscovery and risk management applications to corporations and law firms. The Company's products include riverglass solutions for ediscovery; riverglass solutions for fusion centers; and it also offers custom solutions such as intelligent web monitor for monitoring meaningful internet information; intelligent enterprise search for monitoring meaningful unstructured internal data; and intelligent data connections for identifying and visualizing connections between entities.

Arbitrator Intelligence

Arbitrator Intelligence (AI) is a global, independent information aggregator that produces data analytics on arbitrators’ past decision making. AI systematically collects information from parties and attorneys through an anonymized, confidential online questionnaire called the Arbitrator Intelligence Questionnaire or AIQ. Arbitrator Intelligence then analyzes the information collected through the AIQ to produce “AI Reports,” which provide analysis of individual arbitrators’ track records in comparison with various relevant industry baselines and in comparison with other individual arbitrators’ track records. AI Reports provide parties with unique, highly valuable insights to enable them to make informed decisions in selecting the right arbitrators for their high-stakes international legal disputes.


Legalicity is the maker of NLPatent, an online tool that uses Artificial Intelligence to evaluate the patentability of new ideas. Our goal is to predict the success of patent applications, thereby reducing the uncertainty and the cost involved in seeking patent protection. There are over 3,000,000 patent applications filed each year around the world, and that number is growing. But many of these applications are rejected, often because the proposed invention is too similar to existing technology. That means a lot of resources are wasted on unsuccessful applications, since getting a patent is very costly and time-consuming. NLPatent uses state-of-the-art Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to evaluate the patentability of new ideas. This helps companies and inventors decide whether an invention is worth pursuing. Sign up for a free trial of NLPatent at

Finding the detail in a contract need not be painful, costly or time consuming. Understanding your contract minimizes business risk and provides exceptional efficiencies. Beagle™ sniffs out the fine print, so you don’t have to.™ Beagle is a productivity tool that analyzes contracts and presents key information in a clear and interactive way. Through highly sophisticated machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) methods, Beagle can read a contract and within seconds highlight what you need to know. The responsibilities, liabilities, how to terminate, and more! Our market on ramp is SME's, 50 employees and less. Finance executives and senior leaders will be targeted. Reading contracts is not their core responsibility, but they are often tasked with it because they are the end decision makers. It takes time and resources to understand these contracts. Beagle provides an excellent return on time (ROT), at a negligible lost opportunity cost (LOC).


Ringtail eDiscovery software delivers a unique visual approach to eDiscovery—from early case assessments and investigations to document review and trial preparation—that enable organizations to master the details of any legal matter. Ringtail visual analytics assist analysts in early case assessments, investigations and enforcement actions where they are not sure what they are looking for at the outset With more than 50,000 users around the globe, Ringtail is the eDiscovery software the world’s law firms, corporations, and government agencies turn to for trusted performance and results. Key features include: - Document Mapping (patented content clustering and interactive visualisation) - Cubes (interactive pivot tables) - Social network mapping - Email threading - Financial transaction network analysis - Phone log network analysis - Predictive coding and continuous active learning Ringtail’s review platform has been rated #1 by Gartner, especially in complex eDiscovery and cross-border cases

Emérita Legal

En Emérita Legal combinamos la BigData judicial con la Inteligencia Artificial para proporcionar una ventaja clave a abogados y usuarios de servicios legales. A través de nuestra herramienta de Analítica Judicial avanzada extraemos datos no disponibles hasta ahora sobre abogados, jueces, partes y de las áreas del derecho en sí, procedentes del análisis de millones de resoluciones judiciales. Con Emérita Legal los profesionales y los usuarios pueden, por primera vez, tomar sus decisiones legales basándose en datos objetivos, y no en opiniones. Proporcionamos a los usuarios de servicios legales información objetiva sobre la que basar sus decisiones en la contratación de abogados, un aspecto crítico para el éxito de sus demandas judiciales. Al mismo tiempo, proporcionamos a los abogados una diferenciación ganada, y no pagada, derivada de su trayectoria profesional, así como información que les permite optimizar la toma de decisiones estratégicas en sus procesos judiciales y de negocio, haciéndolos más eficaces y competitivos.