Why Legals? This platform was designed to answer quickly and easily the main issues of the Business Manager and his advisors: - How to optimize my administrative costs? - How to find financing or a bank to support me in my project? - How to develop my commercial action? - How to manage my communication and visibility on social networks YOU HAVE KNOWLEDGE Here you will have all the tools to make it knownLegals is born from a conclusion of expertise of professionals of the legal edition, of formalists, and computer developers gathered in a college of reflexions to provide to the firms of accountancy, to the business lawyers and their clients a tool panel for the creation, management and sustainability of the companies entrusted to it. Simple, flexible and scalable this platform has the most powerful tools to streamline the processing time of formalities; avoid the mistakes most often made and humanely control each file to provide the entrepreneur and his councils viable and economical solutions to its administrative, financial, commercial or communication. Legals is a state of mind combining human competence with the strength of the computer process.
Contract Logix is a data-driven contract lifecycle management solution that provides the ability to automate and digitize the drafting, negotiation, approval, execution, and management of contracts and related documents. Key features include a centralized and fully searchable contract repository with automated alerts for important dates, obligations, and milestones. Contract Logix supports visual contract workflows to help automate business processes as well as contract authoring, redlining, approvals, e-signature integration, custom reports, and analytics/dashboards. Contract Logix's solution offers features to support every stage of the contract lifecycle management process from new contract requests to renewals, amendments, and terminations. The solution is available in two product options – Express CMS and Premium CLM – and addresses both buy-side and sell-side contract management. The solution can be configured to an organizations’ specific contract management requirements and supports role-based and feature-based permissions to regulate user access. Every Contract Logix customer is assigned an experienced Customer Success Manager to help onboard, administer, and use the software. Also included is access to a 100% U.S.-based technical support team via phone, email, and online. Contract Logix is used by thousands of professionals at hundreds of brands across dozens of industries.
ContractRoom is a cloud-based negotiation and contract lifecycle management system that changes the way deals get done and how decisions are made. There is a clear distinction between ContractRoom and its competitors, which allows for improved business productivity and predictability. Those differentiators are: Collaboration and Control - it covers the entire process of communication, reviewing, editing, approving and tasking both internally in an organization as well as externally with counterparties. Imagine never having to play a game of email ping-pong again or decipher a redlined MSWord circulated internally and/or externally to determine the sequence in which changes had been made! Or, no long having to constantly check you are working on the correct version of a document when working with multiple parties. ContractRoom does away with all this annoyance!; Transaction and Behavior Data - it captures and leverages transaction and behavior data from the entire back-and-forth negotiation, not just final outcome. ContractRoom keeps a data record of every negotiation offer and counter on any business term or legal clause as well as tracking how long it takes (“timers”) and how many changes are made (“counters”). Once these data sets are aggregated, the system can make inferences for future deal-making and decision-making in real-time, what we call Predictive AgreementTM. So, negotiators no longer have to operate in a vacuum; instead, they benefit from the “collective intelligence” of their peers and can collaborate in a more informed way so as to achieve better business outcomes.
Having helped thousands of people with their estate plans we knew there was a simpler and smarter way. So we assembled the best people we could find – visionaries, techies, programmers, digital media marketers, attorneys, and financial planners. All with one purpose – to create a revolutionary new tool – Estate Guru. While Estate Guru is new, the knowledge and analytics behind it are not. Our team’s intimate knowledge and extensive experience covers every area of the estate planning process. Our collective expertise has been worked into the tool to create and manage estate plans that fit every unique need without breaking the bank. The platform has been designed to create documents in real time for simple accounts while aggressively looking for circumstances that need a traditional approach. Once the attorney has signed off on the legal logic in the tool and has approved the document templates as appropriate for the state(s) they practice, the platform allows the attorney to seamlessly scale their estate planning practice. Attorneys are now able to extend their practice into the offices of financial advisors or the homes of clients. In addition to generating revenue for all the automated work, attorneys get to personally service all the accounts that are too complicated for automation. These complicated accounts can then be billed at the attorneys normal rate. So Estate Guru becomes a way to find profitable accounts. The platform continually reaches out to clients to keep the client and the attorney informed of any life events that may require an update to their estate plan. In this sense, Estate Guru acts as an estate planning CRM. Finally, when clients die, the attorney is notified so they can help with the estate settlement work. Think volume.
Simplifiez-vous la vie avec Legal Place. Sur Legal Place retrouvez tous vos contrats et formalités juridiques, en ligne, en moins de 5 minutes. Découvrez tous nos guides juridiques par catégorie : association , auto entrepreneur , carte grise , certificat de cession , CGV , compromis de vente , créer son entreprise , CSE, EURL , pacte d'associés SAS , registre bénéficiaires effectifs , RGPD , SARL , SASU, testament... Simplifiez vos démarches dans la création de vos contrats avec Legal Place. Parmi les contrats les plus populaires nous avons : Bail professionnel, Bail commercial, Contrat de location ,Contrat de location non meublée , Contrat de location meublée , Etat des lieux, Bail précaire , Bail saisonnier , Compromis de vente Renouvellement bail commercial... Vous avez une question à poser à un avocat ? Les avocats du réseau Legal Place sont sélectionnés sur la base de leur expérience et de leurs compétences reconnues dans leurs domaines d’intervention. Ils ont tous débuté leur carrière dans des cabinets d’avocats de grand renom et bénéficient en moyenne de plus de 8 ans d’expérience. Faites votre demande du lundi au vendredi et hors jours fériés, de 8 h 30 à 18 h 30. Pour les demandes formulées après 18 h 30, le délai de 48 h court à compter de 8 h 30 le jour ouvré suivant. Les jours fériés et week ends ne sont pas compris dans le décompte de 48 h. Les honoraires de l’avocat sont de 29,90€ pour la conversation de 20 minutes. Si vous souhaitez des prestations supplémentaires, vous pourrez vous mettre d’accord directement avec l’avocat (Legal Place n’interviendra pas dans l’éventuelle poursuite de vos relations). Votre conversation avec l’avocat, ainsi que toutes prestations supplémentaires qu’il vous fournirait, sont soumises au secret professionnel de l’avocat et resteront confidentiels entre l’avocat et vous-mêmes.
MyImmiForms (MIF) is an innovative Software solution for immigration lawyers and US Visa & Green Card Applicants. Our smart algorithms & expert support help attorneys & applicants in filling immigration forms faster & smarter by removing the manual part out of the process. MIF helps immigration lawyers accommodate 2-3x more clients with their existing resources by saving a tremendous amount of time & energy.
Aerofiler is for In-house legal teams who need to create, approve, file and track contracts. Aerofiler combines a best-in-class contract repository, an intuitive templating engine and powerful approval workflows.
Bigle Legal is an all-in-one Contract Lifecycle Management platform (CLM). It provides an AI-powered, cloud-based solution that automates the Legal Operations of a company while improving safety and minimizing the risk of legal contingencies. The platform allows legal professionals to automatically create documents, send them for review and validation in real-time, virtually collaborate, negotiate, and collect biometric electronic signatures. It also features certified email and cloud storage. Our multi-language solution allows creating contracts in no time, with a cloud-based secure platform, compatible with all devices and with offline availability. Its API allows integrating other software and business too. Bigle Legal targets any corporation with a legal department. The company has clients ranging from corporations with more than a thousand people to large law firms.
Gavel is no-code document automation software allowing you to turn template documents, forms, and document sets into intelligent workflows, saving 90% of drafting time. Set up simple automations in minutes, and shave hours off lengthy document drafting. We accommodate complex logic, calculations, and custom formatting, so your documents are generated quickly and error-free every time. Gavel was created for legal documents, but has expanded into sales, real estate, and banking to create efficiency and cost savings through collaborative workflows. Try out the future of documents at Gavel.io