We provide affordable access to lawyers and allow users' easy control over all their legal documents.Ìø_
The App That Gets You Out Of Jail.
Online service to provide legal document generation and review.
VentureDocs sells customized legal documents over the web for forming and financing new startup companies. Specifically, this includes incorporation and founder documents, equity incentive plans and stock option agreements, and customizable documents for "friends and family" common stock financings and preferred stock and convertible note financings for institutional and sophisticated angel investor financings.
Legal Staffing Redefined Online
wireLawyer is the fastest-growing online community exclusively for lawyers. We are changing how small to mid-sized law firms (SMLs) do business by offering them the opportunity to network, collectively pool their resources, and refer and outsource work to each other. By enabling SMLs, we are creating the biggest virtual law firm in the world.