Vigilant Web designs and develops a software platform for research, vetting, and due-diligence investigations.
PatentPal is a professional drafting tool for patent attorneys and agents.
At Docket, our mission is to centralize all the legal team's data in one place. We've built the next generation of Legal Matter Management software that enables in-house legal teams to: - Easily collaborate with internal clients - Have a granular and easily accessible view into the organization's workload and potential problem areas (liabilities, bottlenecks, etc). - Showcase their value to the rest of the business with dashboards and KPIs
CourtSide EDX is a web-based platform that facilitates the exchange, verification, and management of court documents.
Correa Porto provides legal advice to its clients.
QDiscovery is a provider of electronic discovery and forensic technology services across the entire EDRM spectrum.