
Get smart about your contracts.

Analytics & Insights
Los Angeles

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Forced Labour Abolition Group (FLAG)

FLAG is the only existing program to use law and technology to strengthen, link and magnify the impact of projects to end forced labor.


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TitanFile is a better way to communicate, collaborate and send files online securely. They let you organize information around people and context instead of files and folders, making it easy for you to find what you need - whenever you need it. They also let you drag and drop files from various sources into communication channels to make sure that you always have your projects, colleagues and clients with you, everywhere you go. Your information is stored encrypted in the same secure facility where the government stores health records. They do it in a way that separates logical and physical storage so that no one can get an unauthorized access to your files or files of your clients and colleagues. Know who, where, how and when had access to the shared information. You get the benefits of a true real-time and cross platform application. You will be immediately notified whenever a new activity (such as a client uploading a new file or a colleague leaving a message for you) happens. They support access from majority of modern mobile devices, allowing you to remain connected.


TenderScout SaaS is, the A to Z solution for finding, qualifying and competing for government contracting opportunities. Used by small and medium sized companies around the world, TenderScout eliminates the barriers to participation and increases win-rates and revenues achieved from bid/tender competitions.


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