Pravoved is a legal tech company that provides legal service for individuals and creates innovative technologies for business
The smart way to choose lawyer
SaaS Financial Advisory Platform
Ramseier Treuhand is a fiduciary and audit company located in the Northwestern Switzerland region of Basel.
Notificami tracks all files active in the GdP, court and court of appeal and communicates any change.
With top local DUI defense attorney offices throughout Montana, award winning lawyers who fight DUI charges successfully have handled nearly every type of intoxicated driving offense cases - from simple over the alcohol limit DUIs to the most complex felonies. There is no case to small for our specialist DUI lawyers to challenge in court, and no severity of recent DUI charges for us to handle. We fight every driving under the influence offense case for our each client person regardless of their ability to afford the best DUI defense lawyer and we have the expertise, local authority, and passion to resolve any pending DUI-related case.