Transforming the Way Large Organizations Manage Legal Work. Axiom is the global leading alternative legal services provider. With over 2,000+ employees across three continents, we provide talent and technology to help legal departments adapt to a demanding new era.
Legal Advice Middle East is an AI-powered legal services marketplace that connects consumers and lawyers by allowing them to find, communicate and transact with each other online.
VortexLegal is the marketplace for legal services. VortexLegal started in 2010 as “MyMotionCalendar.” Our software allows buyers of legal services to access all vendors in one location, compare prices, write reviews and extract great analytics to better understand legal spend, trends, compare counsel and expert witnesses etc. We like to say we are the “Expedia for Legal Services.” One stop shop for all legal services you need and the ability to “go direct”!
TopicLogic will provide federated information management which enables users to find and share all their files and emails wherever they are and on any device.
Making Tax Filing Hassle Free for Small Biz and Individuals
Vindula is a social intranet focused on improving communication between departments in companies. It also offers consulting and support services.