This is a marketplace for lawyers and a social network between the lawyers and the potential clients (users). It help users to find an answer for its legal problems asking a lawyers or using a search engine that use the elastic search technology. Creates a lot of value for lawyers because it help them to find new clients and to increase its incomes.
Contract Live brings contract management out of the Stone Age by helping companies manage all contracts (from HR and procurement to sales) throughout all lifecycle stages (online negotiations, electronic signatures, implementation and execution) on an entirely intuitive, cloud-based platform.
Uber for Lawyers
We're passionate about supporting the American Dream so we help startup entrepreneurs with Registered Agent service, company formations, annual minutes, and secretary of state filings. Sign up today for your virtual minute book (free with registered agent service) and gain access to our virtual and incorporation packages, articles, agreements, stock certificates, and more at
Blockchain-based investment.
Wevorce offers web-based technology and a community of trained attorneys, counselors, and other experts to help couples divorce amicably.