yurJURY is the premier provider of virtual mock jury panels, mock trials and focus groups - helpingyurJury clients make informed litigation decisions.
VaultSwap is the legal tool for efficient discovery exchange.
Pbworks is a United States-based company, which provides a range of collaboration products. The Company's Products, such as Agency Hub, Legal Hub, and Project Hub serve markets, such as advertising and marketing agencies, law firms, and education, as well as the broader business market. Customer's uses PBworks each month for partner/client collaboration, new business development, project management, social Intranets, and knowledge management. Agency Hub is powered by PBworks. It delivers results for agencies ranging in size from single-office boutiques to global networks and in focus from public relations (PR) to social. New Business Hub streamlines the stages of new business development. Legal Hub automates notifications keep everyone up to date; assigns and tracks deliverables with tasks linked to content; stores, discusses, searches and shares text, files and documents, and brings together customers, partners and vendors.
DiRiSo (Digital Rights Solutions) crafts web-based legal tech applications for law firms to automatize parts of their work process. For this purpose, DiRiSo mainly develops tools to standardize repetitive steps for evaluating cases, shaping legal opinions and producing legal documents.
In August 2012, Thomson Reuters announced its decision to sell the interactive web portion of the Hubbard One unit to the group's existing management, which is now One North Interactive. The remaining products have been realigned in the Thomson Reuters portfolio. The Hubbard One brand has been retired.
CourtCorrect tells you what's in all the terms and conditions and contracts you just accept.