Uber for Lawyers
Greenhouse is a free browser extension for Chrome, Safari, and Firefox that exposes the role money plays in Congress and highlights key election races. Displays on any web page detailed campaign contribution data for every Senator and Representative, including total amount received and breakdown by industry and by size of donation.
The first product to instantaneously review and revise contracts right in "Track Changes," just like an attorney.
Reorg Research built a revolutionary technology that is taking away the pain and wasted time spent tracking and following legal dockets for hedge funds, investment banks, asset managers and law firms.
Kesteven & Associates is a specialist management consultancy providing systems and services relating to knowledge management, compliance, and corporate governance.
Secure Send is the first choice for companies looking for an intuitive, efficient way to stay compliant by sending sensitive, confidential communications securely through the Internet. Help your company build trust - use Secure Send.