Legal Services for Entrepreneurs
Our company has developed unique capabilities in unlocking the wealth of valuable information from the court filing system.
Yuristiya is connecting anyone with a legal need to the best attorneys in the CIS region (ex-USSR) with 300 mln. Russian-speaking population.
Blockchain-powered smart contract technology provides software-as-a-service contract settlement platform for freelancers/SME. Our purpose is to develop technology that enhances trust among a service provider and a client by enforcing to pay and get paid on rules both parties agreed on and to do it seamlessly without unnecessary steps. By using the latest advances in blockchain and smart contract technology, we eliminate costs on lawyers, we cancel copyright transferring, invoicing, and payment collecting, and we make easier to insure and finance cashflows.
Prédictice is a business intelligence solution dedicated to law professionals (law firms, in-house counsel). Using open data, machine learning and text analysis on case law, Prédictice offers for the first time a platform delivering smart analytic to support the law professional in the case law analysis process and in the trends and phenomena identification. Therefore Prédictice is a major competitive asset in the litigation conduct and negotiations process.
Jurisweb Interactiva SL is is a Spain-based company that provides personal legal services. The Company offers legal services via its Website Among the Company's services are civil lawyer consultancy, divorce lawyer consultancy, immigration and nationality lawyer consultancy, mortgage lawyer consultancy and notaries, labor lawyer consultancy, commercial lawyer consultancy, and criminal layer consultancy. The Company provides legal and consultancy services for individual clients as well as for enterprises.