Law Firm Technology for the discerning professional
LawGro helps law firms grow their practice. It offers a cloud & mobile based legal practice management software powered by Artificial Intelligence & driven by real time analytics. LawGro offers secured & collaborative ways to engage with your clients for more rewarding experience. Automate your practice to get more time for you & your team. LawGro frees up an average of 32% billable hours or 12+ hours a week for each user.It is ridiculously simple to get started in no time & need no credit card. LawGro also offers a suite of software to allow Law Firms to maange their reputation.
LawGro helps law firms grow their practice. It offers a cloud & mobile based legal practice management software powered by Artificial Intelligence & driven by real time analytics. LawGro offers secured & collaborative ways to engage with your clients for more rewarding experience. Automate your practice to get more time for you & your team. LawGro frees up an average of 32% billable hours or 12+ hours a week for each user.It is ridiculously simple to get started in no time & need no credit card. LawGro also offers a suite of software to allow Law Firms to maange their reputation.