We provide an AI, specifically NLP that sits within your existing systems and parses the millions of pages of regulation to provide you with the answer to your questions when you need the information the most.
n/aBlockchain-powered smart contract technology provides software-as-a-service contract settlement platform for freelancers/SME. Our purpose is to develop technology that enhances trust among a service provider and a client by enforcing to pay and get paid on rules both parties agreed on and to do it seamlessly without unnecessary steps. By using the latest advances in blockchain and smart contract technology, we eliminate costs on lawyers, we cancel copyright transferring, invoicing, and payment collecting, and we make easier to insure and finance cashflows.
n/ayurJURY is the premier provider of virtual mock jury panels, mock trials and focus groups - helpingyurJury clients make informed litigation decisions.
n/aTurboPatent focuses on corporations and law firms of all sizes, automating tasks like formatting or document preparation