The legal profession has been deprived of integrated tools benefiting other client-facing high value knowledge professionals. The time has come to change it. VistaDraft is building an intuitive, practical product with a superior user interface. Our product transforms the way lawyers and business people analyse precedents and contracts, draft new agreements and negotiate deals. We make contractual analysis and drafting easy, precise and a pleasure.
Paladin helps legal teams run more efficient pro bono programs while increasing access to justice. Our platform helps teams seamlessly staff, manage, and track their pro bono engagement, as well as visualize impact and ROI.
Like Visual Studio for Lawyers
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[TransactionHub] offers products+services to exploit Blockchain use cases for fully decentralize autonomous transactions w/ on-demand assurance & protection.
RPost has set the global standard for email proof, privacy, and electronic signatures offered as Registered Email services an all-inclusive platform for proof of email delivery, content and official time, proof of privacy compliance with end-to-end email encryption, and electronic signatures designed to speed contract sign-off in Outlook, IBM Lotus Notes, BlackBerry, iPad, iPhone, Android, GroupWise, VMware Zimbra, SAP,, Box and other sender email programs.