Obolus handles the closure or transfer of online accounts left behind after someone dies, via two services: Estate Pass and Family Promise. Estate Pass (https://www.estatepass.com) helps people plan ahead for resolving their online accounts after death; Family Promise assists representatives in resolving the online accounts of those that have died. This emerging field of digital estate management combines the growing area of legislation around online accounts and the secure disposition of all the digital personal information remaining after death.
Making advanced care directives effective and efficient
CourtCorrect tells you what's in all the terms and conditions and contracts you just accept.
Contnu is Amazon for continuing professional education.
Tax Returns
Greenhouse is a free browser extension for Chrome, Safari, and Firefox that exposes the role money plays in Congress and highlights key election races. Displays on any web page detailed campaign contribution data for every Senator and Representative, including total amount received and breakdown by industry and by size of donation.