Faster deal-making for Investment Managers
Zeekbeek is an online legal marketplace where consumers can find lawyers. Developed in partnership with the State Bar of Michigan, we offer consumers easy, credible, transparent lawyer search. We are committed to ethical practices that will enhance the protection of the public and improve access to legal services overall.
wireLawyer is the fastest-growing professional network for lawyers. With free legal contract search, attorney-reviewed documents, and curated questions and answers, wireLawyer helps small to mid-sized law firms operate on a level playing field with big law firms."
Trusted by Fortune 1000 companies and their advisors, EasyDataMaps is award-winning web-based data mapping software and the easiest way for Information Professionals to rapidly create an Evergreen Organizational Data Map of their Information Assets.
Intellinx, a Bottomline Technologies Company, is a leading provider of cyber fraud and risk management solutions, that protect organizations from internal and external fraud and data theft.
Inkdit takes the mundane contracts ...the ones wasting your time and paper every day and optimizes them for web and mobile.