iolex limited helps law firms and their clients digitize their legal / compliance functions. to this end, iolex offers (1)unified platform + legal tech app store (2)a proprietary high level language that lawyers and compliance officers can use to create their own apps, bypassing the programmer, and (3)a road map for redefining end-to-end legal service. Think of the company ARM for lawyers. iolex's founder and CEO Carl Im, a stanford phd in physics, with 20 years of investment banking trading, strategy, and sales experience, believes that the single most distinguishing factor of iolex is the tech leadership: (1)status quo is to implement legaltech solution within the context of a given mandate --> iolex builds law firm business models around a suite of technology. (2)status quo is to teach low level programming to lawyers --> we have trained 4 lawyers to speak iolex(a proprietary high level language) to create their own apps, bypassing the programmer. We have apps with only 20 lines of iolex, and over 500 lines of iolex. Carl Im is also a senior advisor to Yulchon LLC. As a senior adviser at Yulchon LLC, he has been driving Yulchon’s digital strategy, eYulchon using the iolex paradigm. Carl was named one of the 10 pioneers of new thinking by the London Financial Times, and his work has won the Asian Technology and Innovation Initiative of the Year, the Asia-Pacific Innovator of the Year, and the In-House Community Visionary Firm of the Year. He has just published a paper in A.I. with MIT’s CSAIL. The legal app factory that iolex is offering has created several revenue generating applications for Yulchon LLC and is currently in discussions with several international and regional law firms for collaboration. Carl has just announced a FIDIC Yellow 99 compliance app in collaboration with Pinsent Masons. At this years International Bar Association Conference, the iolex footprint in legaltech was the topic of invited talks for the Law Firm Management Committee, the Banking Law Committee, the Securities Law Committee, Stronger Together by Freshfields, the Fintech Settlement Committee, as well as the Yulchon Tax Breakfast. Currently iolex offers three classes of applications: the award winning AlgoCompliance, legal risk assessment analytics, as well as the patent-pending semantic evolution engine, i7, that produces line-by-line reasoning for a legal argument.
We build the most comprehensive profile of Indian companies that help lawyer identify unchecked risk, red flags and compliance lapses.
AudioCaseFiles and Courtroom View Network offer multimedia content to the legal community.
Discovery Genie is a document production platform for small firms and/or small cases involving 35,000 pages of production or less, where full-blown eDiscovery platform is not warranted. Discovery Genie automates conversion to PDF, Bates numbering and indexing, integrating document metadata with the user's review notes. The Genie saves 75-90% of the cost of manual production while providing valuable indexes to locate evidence in real time.
Predictice is a SaaS platform that delivers real time analytics to law professionals helping them save time in their legal research and boost performance & customer satisfaction 🚀
Evichat is a tool for lawyers to efficiently collect, review, redact, and produce fully authenticated social-media and SMS evidence on-demand. Evichat was built with two people in mind, the lawyer, and the client. Our custodian self-collection tool allows clients to submit their social-media communications (Slack, FB Messenger, etc.) without giving up control of their mobile device. Please email us today for a demo: info