makes your website GDPR compliant
HaystackHQ is a browser-based visual analytics service for legal eDiscovery targeting regulatory agencies, tier-1 law firms & the Fortune 5000 companies they serve.
AI powered contract automation for law firms and enterprises. Enables law firms to launch easily online legal services. Enterprises have access to automated model contracts, can easily edit, draft, share and sign contracts all in one platform, saving the huge cost and time spend on contract processing traditional way.
iDisclose automates the process of generating the necessary disclosure documentation to facilitate an entrepreneur raising capital under the Federal securities laws.
We have the most up-to-date legal practice geared toward achieving the result, efficiency, and quality, which benefits from the latest technology and leading management principles. We try to give to our client more than just legal advice, doing our best to provide a tailored solution in each case. Therefore, together with standard legal services, our company offers something you will find nowhere else: conflict management, business safety advice, tax and business efficiency advice, as well as that in the field of Technology, Media, and Telecommunications, cryptocurrency, and blockchain. Our lawyers strive to develop related competencies, taking a more comprehensive look at the tasks our clients have. Juscutum makes its own legal products — self-developed technical solutions and ready-made products — which hardly any consulting company does nowadays. Initially legal advisers, we have grown into legal engineers to bring our products and services to a whole new level.
Document sharing inside your company is solved by companies such as Google Docs,, and Dropbox, but what about when you share documents outside your company? A technophobic legal industry has failed to adopt these modern-day document management tools. plans to capture these users with a zero-signup, zero-login, zero-download file management service.