Document Automation
VisiRule is a graphical tool for non-programmers to develop and deliver rule-based and expert systems simply by drawing their decision logic.
Law Enforcement Software
VR-Mail allows you to send documents safely, securely, and best of all - with "proof of delivery." In addition, VR-Mail allows you to see when you sent the document, and when the recipient downloaded the document. By logging into VR-Mail's reports, you can see all your sent documents and whether your documents were received. VR-Mail can be used by lawyers, financial planners, entertainment professionals, and anyone who needs to prove that their document was delivered, not just sent.
1LAW® started from a desire to change how people feel working with an attorney. We wanted it to be easy to find highly-skilled, personal, and passionate lawyersso we became them. We knew we could be different. We hope youll see it in everything we do.
Legal FlowÛªs mission is to build the most visual & easy-to-use Legal Project Management SaaS for the next generation of lawyers.