The fastest, easiest way to do contracts.
Create, Sign, and Send legally binding agreements on your phone.
Everything you need to make it legal.
TrademarkNow™ is a product of Onomatics Inc., a legal technology powerhouse specializing in intellectual property law. With decades of experience to draw from, we are seasoned professionals in both the software industry and intellectual property law – and it shows in the quality of our products.
RiskGenius leverages patent pending Policy Analytics technology. Each insurance policy is separated into clauses, which are then categorized based on common industry terminology. Users can then instantly locate key clauses across one or more policies, streamlining the review process.
Legis is a solutions provider focus on products in the areas of law, accounting and foreign trade. Legis portfolio includes a platform for legal information research (Legis Xperta), a practice management software (Legisoffice), and a platform for the analysis of case law (Legis analytics).