New way to record and prove trademark use.
Quolaw is an intuitive, easy-to-use, web-based software as a service that offer a law practice management software tool to help lawyers efficiently manage their legal practice anywhere, anytime.
ROSS is an A.I. lawyer that helps human lawyers research faster and focus on advising clients.
Strategic Sourcing: Advancing Legal Procurement. That's who we are, what we are about, and what we do.
The blockchain way to intellectual property management.
Arbitrator Intelligence (AI) is a global, independent information aggregator that produces data analytics on arbitrators’ past decision making. AI systematically collects information from parties and attorneys through an anonymized, confidential online questionnaire called the Arbitrator Intelligence Questionnaire or AIQ. Arbitrator Intelligence then analyzes the information collected through the AIQ to produce “AI Reports,” which provide analysis of individual arbitrators’ track records in comparison with various relevant industry baselines and in comparison with other individual arbitrators’ track records. AI Reports provide parties with unique, highly valuable insights to enable them to make informed decisions in selecting the right arbitrators for their high-stakes international legal disputes.