DocsCorp designs easy-to-use software and services for document professionals who use enterprise content management systems.
Starting Legal is a web platform that will allow you to create contracts and legal agreements.
DIGURA is a fast-growth, LegalTech startup that combines law, innovation, and technology in the field of tenancy law. DIGURA is a tenant's digital friend. By utilizing digitization, efficient case processes, and high quality, we assist tenants with problems with their landlords. A complex platform was developed to compare 4,500 judgments and decisions with 200 predefined cases of tenants and landlords. We can provide a tenant with an assessment of the case within 24 hours using that solution. By doing this, we ensure that both ourselves and the tenants are in the best possible position for further litigation, and we become better with each case we review. For tenants who regularly need legal advice and sparring when they encounter challenges with their tenancy, we also offer a membership club called DIGURA Home. It is likely that there has not been a tenancy problem that our advisers have not encountered before in our membership club.
Swiss based boutique law firm providing expert advice in innovation, tech, media, advertising, corporate transactions, IP and privacy
JustEase is a crowdfunding platform designed specifically for legal case.
Validated ID helps businesses bring security, trust, efficiency and legal compliance to customer identity verification and agreements.