Litigation Master is an AI startup that developed software with contextual analysis to review legal documents and financial statements.
Legalbird helps consumers to solve their legal issues within minutes.
Legal Robot uses machine learning techniques like deep learning to understand legal language.
Reimagining legal services
Klarity uses Artificial Intelligence to review sales contracts under your company legal policy. Klarity pulls contracts from your emails and databases and returns them reviewed in a Word format with annotations and redlines along with a summary. Your company experiences accelerated sales and higher compliance without having to think of contract review anymore. Klarity was founded by Andrew Antos, a Harvard lawyer with experience from BigLaw, and Nischal Nadhamuni, a MIT Computer Science graduate with background in Artificial Intelligence. You can read Klarity's full story here and here.
Snapterms is a simple, fast and effective solution for terms of service, privacy policies and more for websites.