My Exit StrategyÛ ( is an interactive online will that leverages internet technology and human-centered design to make end-of-life planning simpler and more intuitive
Blockchain-based investment.
PasteLaw uses Blind Commenting㢠so you get feedback without anyone seeing your document.
NetLex is a cloud-based Legal Practice Management Software, SaaS for the legal profession. Currently developing and serving the Italian market, with approximately 270,000 lawyers and 160,000 legal operators. NetLex is currently the only 100% cloud-based software on the market.
Arbitrator Intelligence (AI) is a global, independent information aggregator that produces data analytics on arbitrators’ past decision making. AI systematically collects information from parties and attorneys through an anonymized, confidential online questionnaire called the Arbitrator Intelligence Questionnaire or AIQ. Arbitrator Intelligence then analyzes the information collected through the AIQ to produce “AI Reports,” which provide analysis of individual arbitrators’ track records in comparison with various relevant industry baselines and in comparison with other individual arbitrators’ track records. AI Reports provide parties with unique, highly valuable insights to enable them to make informed decisions in selecting the right arbitrators for their high-stakes international legal disputes.