Legalix develops computing tools to create, manage and follow-up on legal documents and processes within companies, as well as to render accesible online legal services to small and medium sized companies.
DueCourse is a learning and professional development platform that helps lawyers take control of their career and map and track their professional development through frictionless, personalized learning. We work with law firms and professional development teams across the country to create courses tailored to the individual needs of each attorney, with a focus on promoting growth and development.
Reads and extracts all personal documents
Litigating is a costly game where even winners are losers. The all-in cost is about $350,000 per case. Using Deep Learning algorithms, we've invented a patented software system so corporate counsel can see the risk of litigation in its own internal communications, e.g., emails. The ability to see the risk enables investigation and prevention. We have tiered pricing and we're just getting started.
Contract Live brings contract management out of the Stone Age by helping companies manage all contracts (from HR and procurement to sales) throughout all lifecycle stages (online negotiations, electronic signatures, implementation and execution) on an entirely intuitive, cloud-based platform.
iusify is a mobile application that allows lawyers to access an unlimited number of legaltech tools available on their online store. A fully customizable application to the needs of each lawyer and the jurisdiction where he works