TrademarkNow™ is a product of Onomatics Inc., a legal technology powerhouse specializing in intellectual property law. With decades of experience to draw from, we are seasoned professionals in both the software industry and intellectual property law – and it shows in the quality of our products.
Frictionless Contract Execution
Immigration forms made easy.
Traklight provides online intellectual property identification tools and resources.
BizExpress is the leading Online Company Registration Consultants services in Mumbai with trusted advisors for Taxation, Fund Raise Compliance & Company Set-up Services Think of us as the Big4 for MSMEs. The idea is clear, work dedicatedly with MSMEs to unlock their full potential. Our entire team is focused on ensuring just one thing, excellence. Being the market leader for building a technology-focused one-stop-shop for anything finance and compliance. is a simple platform to negotiate contract terms. Users can make offers, track deal progress and resolve disagreements.