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Purediscovery Corp

PureDiscovery Corporation is a United States-based company. The Company is engaged in making software products. It is the creator of the BrainSpace semantic platform and the PureDiscovery LegalSuite offering. PureDiscovery BrainSpace is a semantic technology capable of transforming hundreds of millions of unstructured documents into a working semantic intelligence connecting people and knowledge. PureDiscovery Brainspace is a post-search software platform for semantically connecting the enterprise. PureDiscovery LegalSuite is a center of the ediscovery workflow.

Document Management and Automation
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Estate Apps LLC

Estate App LLC develops Apps that enable law firms to solve legal client issues while boosting the law firms' marketing. The Estate Attorney App available on iOS and Android enables law firms to provide clients with a property memo generation tool for completing a property memo -- something that nearly 70% of clients currently do not complete. The property memo is essential as it designates who is to get a client's personal items upon their death. Without a completed property memo, beneficiaries are left to divide the sentimental items themselves leading to fights among family members. An unfinished memo is also a loss for the law firm as it means the firm misses out on billable work reviewing the memo for legal compliance. The Estate Attorney App enables subscribing law firms to provide a tool that empowers clients by removing the previous barriers to creating the memo. Specifically, the barriers in the past was the memo was 1) difficult to put together with items located in various places (e.g., banks, closets, locker storage) but having to type it into a desktop computer (solution: mobile app) and 2) difficult to describe similarly looking items (e.g., jewelry or clothing) with just words (solution: include pictures). The App solves all these problems by making memo generation simple, and importantly, when the memo is to be updated in the future, the information is stored within the device. The App is also a marketing tool as law firm information is displayed every time the client opens the App and provides an in device annual notification reminding clients to consider updating their estate plan. It enables law firms to stand apart from other firms while clients perceive the firm as providing high-value.


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We are an independent research firm in Paris that works in the intersection of computational logic, category theory, and persistent topology applied to decision practices. Our approach comprises an efficient model to generate belief structure about differing cases that have 'uncertain' information. The direction accompanies a method for realizing a complex means to address various constraints that arise in discourse analysis related to law. This implies a strong connection with natural language processing and the determining of a graphical realization, in lieu of an algorithmic method for identifying semantic change.

ArenoNet GmbH (german word for lawyer) was the first portal for legal advice in Europe. We list lawyers with a german desk worldwide. In addition lawyers can use our hotline packages to get leads. And we offer online legal advice through our lawyers.