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ContractRoom is a cloud-based negotiation and contract lifecycle management system that changes the way deals get done and how decisions are made. There is a clear distinction between ContractRoom and its competitors, which allows for improved business productivity and predictability. Those differentiators are: Collaboration and Control - it covers the entire process of communication, reviewing, editing, approving and tasking both internally in an organization as well as externally with counterparties. Imagine never having to play a game of email ping-pong again or decipher a redlined MSWord circulated internally and/or externally to determine the sequence in which changes had been made! Or, no long having to constantly check you are working on the correct version of a document when working with multiple parties. ContractRoom does away with all this annoyance!; Transaction and Behavior Data - it captures and leverages transaction and behavior data from the entire back-and-forth negotiation, not just final outcome. ContractRoom keeps a data record of every negotiation offer and counter on any business term or legal clause as well as tracking how long it takes (“timers”) and how many changes are made (“counters”). Once these data sets are aggregated, the system can make inferences for future deal-making and decision-making in real-time, what we call Predictive AgreementTM. So, negotiators no longer have to operate in a vacuum; instead, they benefit from the “collective intelligence” of their peers and can collaborate in a more informed way so as to achieve better business outcomes.
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