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Having helped thousands of people with their estate plans we knew there was a simpler and smarter way. So we assembled the best people we could find – visionaries, techies, programmers, digital media marketers, attorneys, and financial planners. All with one purpose – to create a revolutionary new tool – Estate Guru. While Estate Guru is new, the knowledge and analytics behind it are not. Our team’s intimate knowledge and extensive experience covers every area of the estate planning process. Our collective expertise has been worked into the tool to create and manage estate plans that fit every unique need without breaking the bank. The platform has been designed to create documents in real time for simple accounts while aggressively looking for circumstances that need a traditional approach. Once the attorney has signed off on the legal logic in the tool and has approved the document templates as appropriate for the state(s) they practice, the platform allows the attorney to seamlessly scale their estate planning practice. Attorneys are now able to extend their practice into the offices of financial advisors or the homes of clients. In addition to generating revenue for all the automated work, attorneys get to personally service all the accounts that are too complicated for automation. These complicated accounts can then be billed at the attorneys normal rate. So Estate Guru becomes a way to find profitable accounts. The platform continually reaches out to clients to keep the client and the attorney informed of any life events that may require an update to their estate plan. In this sense, Estate Guru acts as an estate planning CRM. Finally, when clients die, the attorney is notified so they can help with the estate settlement work. Think volume.
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