Hipla is the smarter way to buy and sell property.
Docket optimizes the search, management, and analysis of documents with legal value, reducing costs and time.
Change the way we browse internet, starting with legal. Instead of getting millions of results for a few keywords, we answer your requests.
Mplace develops a mobile platform that facilitates open and direct communication between clients and project professionals.
fynk is a cloud-based contract management platform that leverages artificial intelligence to automate and optimize the entire lifecycle of contracts. Designed to cater to businesses of all sizes across various industries, fynk simplifies the process of creating, negotiating, signing, and analyzing contracts. With features like a comprehensive layout editor, dynamic content and conditions, digital signatures, and powerful AI analyses, fynk streamlines contract management, making it more efficient, secure, and compliant. fynk offers scalable solutions for teams in legal, sales, finance, or project management, to meet individual business needs, ensuring seamless collaboration and improved decision-making.
Whiting Consulting is a boutique recruiting firm that provides talent acquisition and recruitment services.