ROSS is an A.I. lawyer that helps human lawyers research faster and focus on advising clients.
Game changer for people that are Dyslexic and the Vision-impaired by offering ÛÏaudibly-accessibleÛ technology.
VaultSwap is the legal tool for efficient discovery exchange.
WibniLabs helps service-focused organizations use design thinking to cost-effectively capture, conceptualize and carry out innovative ideas.
Blockchain for Law
EasyLaw - No. 1 Legal App in Malaysia, with 27% Malaysian lawyers using our app. Our vision is to make Law becoming more (E)fficient, (A)ffordable, (S)imple to (Y)ou - including lawyers, law firms, legal related parties, government & public via the use of innovative technology. Hence the name "EASY"Law. Our mobile app has attracted 25,500 downloads by lawyers, legal related parties, property investors since launched in 2017. (1) Our mobile app consolidates all the legal related calculators into 1 app platform - enabling the users to calculate, save & share calculation results easily anytime & anywhere. The main calculators include : (a) Legal Fees / Stamp Duty for Sale & Purchase Agreement, Loan Agreement, Tenancy agreement (b) Real Property Gain Tax (RPGT) (c) Mortgage Loan Payments (d) Late Payment/ Delivery Interest (e) Balance Purchase Price (2) Free access to 10 important Malaysia Statutes anytime & anywhere - with "search" button to locate information easily using mobile app (3) Directory of Commissioner for Oaths based on GPS location. (4) Conduct Online Land Search anytime & anywhere - throughout all land offices in Malaysia. We have already monetized our business model. Our revenue & transactions are growing steadily every month. Currently we are looking for investment for rapid expansion & business growth.