Global legal research platform. Content coverage across 132+ countries, editorial content from 1,000+ sources and cutting edge smart-search technology.
Contract Cloud saves businesses and individuals millions of dollars a year in regulation and litigation costs.
Connecting small businesses and entrepreneurs to high quality services and lawyers
CrowdLaw is used by advocates and clients to get the funds they need through easy-to-launch crowdfunding campaigns.
Using a patent pending algorithm, phraseup* assists you with writing, by suggesting possible combinations to fill-in the words you can't remember.
We are an independent research firm in Paris that works in the intersection of computational logic, category theory, and persistent topology applied to decision practices. Our approach comprises an efficient model to generate belief structure about differing cases that have 'uncertain' information. The direction accompanies a method for realizing a complex means to address various constraints that arise in discourse analysis related to law. This implies a strong connection with natural language processing and the determining of a graphical realization, in lieu of an algorithmic method for identifying semantic change.